I’ve had 3 acquaintances die of fentanyl in the last month. 2 were old friends I’d moved on from due to their drug issues. The third was a cousins husband. I don’t even know why that shit is legal (View Post)
We came to an abrupt halt renovating the house. It either costs us $10-15k to remove all the exterior asbestos…OR we learn how to do it ourselves. So I’m having to take online classes so I can get ce… (View Post)
She is of the opinion that he wasn’t worth a fuck before his mental illness became apparent, so that means he isn’t worth saving. Old people survive under the myth that how hard you work is indicativ… (View Post)
My brother in law has been diagnosed as schizophrenic. He had been bumming around in shithole Alabama for years. We just figured he was either on pills or meth and that was what was wrong with him. H… (View Post)
When I had my wisdom teeth pulled, they cut one of the nerves in my mouth that went to my bottom front lip, paralyzing it. It changed the way I talk. It took 3 years for me to get the feeling back (View Post)