My best friend, who hates big crowds, wanted to go to the fireworks in Philly, even though I warned her it will be cluster-fuck-city because I went last year. She demanded we go and assured me she'd be fine. Once we get there, she sees the amount of people and starts bitching the entire time, wanting to leave before the fireworks. Then she gets pissed that the train is packed. It's a fucking holiday in the city that the holiday originated it. ~X( ~X( ~X( Come on! I almost just walked away from her and left her to fend for herself.
i havent skyped wiff my boyfriend in like two days im dying inside
I think he's avoiding you.....
nahh last night he had a show that ran late and i was spr tired he makes sure he calls me to tell me goodnight on nights like that but i like seeing him after a long day
Alex and Bianca, question: When you guys post in a thread, do you like tell the other person that you posted? Because I've seen a lot of times when one of you will post and then the other posts less than a minute later agreeing or
Alex and Bianca, question: When you guys post in a thread, do you like tell the other person that you posted? Because I've seen a lot of times when one of you will post and then the other posts less than a minute later agreeing or
im dying inside
he makes sure he calls me to tell me goodnight on nights like that but i like seeing him after a long day
EDIT: oh and she already said it was me in another thread :-)) :-))
insecure? hahahahah [-X